Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Vivid Memories

I forgot this year. When May 15 rolled around,  I didn't think about you...my 17 year old self would be very dissapointed (I can see the disapproving eye roll now). But it came to my mind today and for some reason, this year I have reminisced and smiled more than I think I have ever been able to.

Thinking back to a young, sweet, innocent friendship - that started in grade school - based mostly on ice cream, bicycle rides and scraped knees. I still have an image of you standing at my door asking my mom if I could come play outside; riding my bike to your house, sitting in the grass talking about whatever was important to a couple of kids in elementary school.

Then middle school came - drinking pop on the trampoline, plotting shaving cream fights to kick off summer vacation.....and for some reason I so vividly remember you and your brother convincing me that he could "double bounce" me as high as the power lines (because that was obviously a good idea). I just remember flying through the air, feeling like I was falling from a 10 story building.....I think my over dramatic, "I'm going to die" scream was the source of yalls laughter for quite sometime. After making sure I was ok, you asked if I wanted to do it again...well heck yeah. So, there started the "double bouncing" wars.

High school was much different, we didn't hang out much after my family left the neighborhood. But we always had the best conversations when we did see each other. The last time we hung out, you tried to steal my "so cool" car....it was so not cool, but I laughed the entire afternoon with you.

You were so positive, encouraging and you had such an uplifting spirit. I will never ever forget our last conversation and the very last words you said to me in the stairwell leaving Mrs. Francis' class.... You were truly a great friend!

I wish I could know you now - see who you became and what you would be doing - but I don't question God's plan, there is a reason He took you home. You taught me many lessons in your short time here...lessons I didnt realize I had learned until years after you were already gone.

Thinking of you today, Eric....I feel happiness that I still have these vivid memories of you and our friendship, and I don't feel sadness so much anymore. I wish I could talk to you, hug you, and tell you I'm sorry....

"Sometimes I wonder who you'd be today" but then I remember "Only the good die young".